iWriteNetwork is an online community of writers, primarily women; its board members living along the Wasatch Front in Utah. The membership is still relatively small (under 200), but seems to be growing quickly.
Besides being a good place to network with other writers, I find the community helpful for bouncing ideas, asking questions, receiving guidance, and making friends. The chat room provides real-time contact and interchange. iWriteNetwork also provides lots of information on what is going on in the writing world, including activities, competitions, seminars, and writing conferences.
Membership is free, the atmosphere warm and supportive, but, like any specialized community, you have to learn some unique vernacular. A Facebook group provides an additional platform for interaction. For fledgling writers just getting their feet wet, it's a comfy little pond to strike out into.
—A Chaotic Mind
The chaotic wandering mind title nails me to a tree!
Is that a good thing or a bad thing?
I will have to check that site out.
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