Book Review: Hohenstein by Didi

Make sure to enter the Rafflecopter giveaway at the end of this post!

Author: Didi Lawson
Pages: 342
Format:  Paperback, Kindle, Kindle Unlimited
Publisher:  Xchyler Publishing
Book Source:  publisher team member
Category:  Historical Romance
Style: Sweet romance in historical setting reflecting the social mores of the early 20th century.


Anything but a typical aristocrat, young Baroness Marie-Louise is not afraid to roll up her sleeves and get to work, especially when it comes to saving her ancestral estate. Determined to shake loose the shackles of propriety and gain the warm family life her upbringing denied her, she has vowed to marry a man of lower rank. Blue-bloods need not apply.

But when she is forced to turn to a childhood friend for assistance, the handsome, debonair count may prove a temptation impossible to resist. Marie-Louise soon finds herself caught between the comfort of a middle-class doctor and the passion of a nobleman, with the future of her childhood home at stake.

Vanguard Legacy Taking Over the Internet

Beyond Books Takeover Treasure Trail

Greetings and salutations, fair readers. Today, Joanne Kershaw, author of the Vanguard Legacy series, including Foretold, Reflected, and Fated, is participating in Beyond Books Internet Event. You can find all those details here.

If you've made it all the way here, you've persevered through ten clues and links. Yay you! Here's your last clue:

What blog post recently became the most popular to knock out the longstanding champ of more than 2.5 years?

Hint: the answer is on the column on the right under Rave Ravings.

Tough, right? Now that you've got that answer, you’re done! EMAILyour list of answers to Winners will be chosen at random. (You won’t receive ANY marketing from Joanne, at all, but if you win a prize you will be notified by email!) You can also TWEET her at @Kershaw_Joanne (Yes, Google + wants to hijack the tweet. Here's that link: +Joanne Kershaw)

Finally, it's time to read Vanguard Legacy! If you're a fan of paranormal fiction, particularly YA paranormal romance, you're going to love this series.

Happy reading!